Adam, Karl. The Spirit of Catholicism (S&W)
-------, The Son of God (S&W)
-------, Christ our Brother (S&W)
Allies, T. The See of Peter
Anger, Abbe. The Doctrine of the Mystical Body (Longmans)
Axendzen, Rev. J.P. “Fallacy of Arrested Development” Dublin Review Oct. 1923
-------, “The Wish to Believe”. Catholic Gazette Oct. 1933
-------, The Gospels; Fact, Myth or Legend? (Sands)
-------, Prophets, Priests, and Publicans (Sands)
-------, What Becomes of the Dead? (Sands)
-------, Whom Do You Say? (Sands)
-------, Men and Manners in the Days of Christ (S&W)
Bittifol, Msgr. Catholicism and the Papacy (Sands)
-------, The Credibility of the Gospels
Belloc, H. Companion to Mr. Wells’s “Outline of History” (S&W)
Benson, Msgr. R.H. Christ in the Church (Longmans)
Burrows, The Open Door (B.O.W.)
Butler, Dom Cuthbert. Religions of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit (S&W)
Cambridge Summer School Papers
-------, The Religion of the Scriptures (B.O.W.)
-------, The Catholic Faith in the Holy Eucharist (B.O.W.)
-------, The Incarnation (B.O.W.)
-------, Six Sacraments (B.O.W.)
-------, God (B.O.W.)
-------, Man (B.O.W.)
Chapman, Dom J. Bishop Gore and the Catholic Claims
-------, Studies on the Early Papacy (S&W)
-------, The First Eight General Councils
Charles, Pére. Prayer for All Times (3 vols.) (Sands)
Chesterton, G.K. The Everlasting Man
Clarke, Rev. R. The Existence of God
Conway, Rev. B. Question Box Answers
Cozens, L. Handbook of Heresies (S&W)
Cronin, Msgr. The Christian Priesthood (B.O.W.)
Cuthbert, Fr. Ed. God and the Supernatural (Longmans)
Dalgaims, J.B. The Holy Communion (B.O.W.)
D’Arcy, M.C., S.J. The Mass and the Redemption (B.O.W.)
-------, The Nature of Belief (S&W)
Dawson, C. Progress and Religion (S&W)
-------, The Modern Dilemma (S&W)
Downey, Archbp. The Blessed Trinity (B.O.W.)
Felder, Rev. H. Christ and the Critics (B.O.W.)
Finlay, Rev. P. The Church of Christ (Longmans)
Flynn, Rev. T.F. The Supernatural Virtues (B.O.W.)
Gerard, J., S.J. The Old Riddle and the Newest Answer (Longmans)
-------, Essays on Un-natural History
Gerrard, T., S.J. The Cult of Mary (Sands)
-------, The Church and Eugenics
Gibbons. Faith of Our Fathers (B.O.W.)
Goodier, Archbp. The Public Life of Our Lord (B.O.W.)
Graham, Bp. Where We Got the Bible (Sands)
-------, What Faith Really Means (B.O.W.)
Grandmaison, L. de. Personal Religion (S&W)
-------, Jesus Christ (3 Vols) (S&W)
Guardini, Romano. Sacred Signs (S&W)
Hall, H.E. The Shadow of Peter (B.O.W.)
Hedley, Bp. The Holy Eucharist (Longmans)
-------, The Christian Inheritance (B.O.W.)
Huby. Christus
Hügel, Baron von. Some Notes on the Petrine Claims (S&W)
Hughes, Philip. A History of the Church (S&W)
Hugon. Mystére de la Trinité
Hugueny, Rev. C. Catholicism and Criticism (Longmans)
Jewell, Walter. The Human Soul
Johnson, Vernon. One Lord, One Faith (S&W)
Joyce, G.H., S.J. Principles of Natural Theology (Longmans)
-------, The Catholic Doctrine of Grace (B.O.W.)
-------, The Question of Miracles
-------, Christan Marriage (S&W)
Knox, Msgr. R.A. Some Loose Stones (Longmans)
-------, The Mystery of the Kingdom (S&W)
-------, Essentials of Spiritual Unity
Kurth-Day, G. The Church at the Turning Points of History
Lagrange, M.A., O.P. Christ and Renan (S&W)
-------, Vie de Ste. Paule
Lattey, C., S.J. First Notions of Holy Writ (Longmans)
Lausiac. History of Palladius
Louismet, S., O.S.B. Series on Mysticism (B.O.W.)
Lunn, Arnold. Now I See (S&W)
Maher. Psychology. (Longmans)
Mainage, T., O.P. Principles of Theosophy (S&W)
Maranget, P. The Roman Mass (S&W)
Margouliouth, D.S. Mohammed and the Rise of Islam
Maritain, Jacques. Prayer and Intelligence (S&W)
-------, Three Reformers (S&W)
-------, An Introduction to Philosophy (S&W)
-------, Religion and Culture (S&W)
Marmion, Abbot. Christ the Life of the Soul (Sands)
Martindale, C.C., S.J. Religions of the World
-------, The Cults and Christianity
-------, St. John (The Apocalypse) (B.O.W.)
-------, St. Paul
-------, The Sacramental System (B.O.W.)
-------, The Mind of the Missal (S&W)
Maycock, A. The Inquisition
McNabb, V., O.P. The Catholic Church and Philosophy (B.O.W.)
-------, New Testament Witness to St. Peter (S&W)
-------, New Testament Witness to Our Blessed Lady (S&W)
-------, Infallibility (S&W)
-------, The Path of Prayer (B.O.W.)
-------, ed. Casti Connubii (S&W)
Miller, B. The Fall of Man (B.O.W.)
Moran, T. Introduction to Scripture (S&W)
Newman, John Henry. Difficulties of the Anglicans (2 vols) (Longmans)
-------, Discourses to Mixed Congregations (Longmans)
-------, The Development of Christian Doctrine (Longmans)
-------, Grammar of Assent (Longmans)
-------, Dream of Gerontius (Longmans)
Noyes, Alfred. The Unknown God (S&W)
Petre, M. Aethiopum Servus
Pinard de la Boullaye, H. L’Etude Camparis des Religions
Pope, H., O.P. Student’s Aids to the Bible. 3 vols (B.O.W.)
-------, The Catholic Church and the Bible (B.O.W.)
-------, ed. The Layman’s New Testament (S&W)
Pohle-Preuss. Grace—Actual and Habitual (Herder)
-------, The Divine Trinity (Herder)
-------, Eschatology (Herder)
-------, The Sacraments in General (Herder)
-------, Christology (Herder)
-------, Mariology (Herder)
-------, Soteriology (Herder)
-------, Sacrament of Penance (Herder)
Pontifex, Dom. M. Religious Assent
Prat, Pére. The Theology of St. Paul (2 vols) (B.O.W.)
-------, The Life of St. Paul (B.O.W.)
Reeves, J.B., O.P. The Holy Ghost (B.O.W.)
-------, Sanctifying Grace (B.O.W.)
Rickaby, Fr. S.J., In an Indian Abbey (B.O.W.)
-------, The Lord My Light (B.O.W.)
Rousselot, Pierre, S.J. Life of the Church (S&W)
Rumble, L. Correspondence Course in Catholic Doctrine (S&W)
Schürer, E. The History of the Jewish People (3 Vols)
Scott. General Councils and Anglican Claims (S&W)
-------, The Eastern Churches and the Papacy (S&W)
Sertillanges, A.D. The Church (B.O.W.)
Sheed, F.J. A Map of Life (S&W)
-------, Nullity of Marriage (S&W)
-------, Communism and Man (S&W)
Sheehan, Archbp. Apologetics
Sheen, F. God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy (Longmans)
Stenart, R., S.J. A Map of Prayer (B.O.W.)
Taille, de la, S.J. Mystery of Faith and Human Opinion (S&W)
Tixeront, J. Apologetical Studies (Herder)
Turton, Col. The Truth of Christianity
Vassall-Phillips, O.R. Catholic Christianity (B.O.W.)
-------, The Mother of Christ (B.O.W.)
-------, The Mustard Tree (B.O.W.)
-------, Mary, Mother of God (B.O.W.)
Vermeerch, A., S.J. Tolerance (B.O.W.)
Vonier, Abbot. The Personality of Christ (Longmans)
-------, A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist (B.O.W.)
-------, The Human Soul (B.O.W.)
Walker, L.J., S.J. Why God Became Man (Sands)
Walsh, W.T. Isabella of Spain (S&W)
Ward, Leo. The Catholic Church and the Appeal to Reason (B.O.W.)
Watkin, E.I. Thoughts on Catholic Apologetics
Windle, Sir B. Facts and Theories
Wiseman, Cardinal. Lectures on the Eucharist. (B.O.W.)
Woodlock, F., S.J. The Reformation and the Eucharist (S&W)
-------, Modernism and the Catholic Church (Longmans)
-------, The Son of God (S&W)
-------, Christ our Brother (S&W)
Allies, T. The See of Peter
Anger, Abbe. The Doctrine of the Mystical Body (Longmans)
Axendzen, Rev. J.P. “Fallacy of Arrested Development” Dublin Review Oct. 1923
-------, “The Wish to Believe”. Catholic Gazette Oct. 1933
-------, The Gospels; Fact, Myth or Legend? (Sands)
-------, Prophets, Priests, and Publicans (Sands)
-------, What Becomes of the Dead? (Sands)
-------, Whom Do You Say? (Sands)
-------, Men and Manners in the Days of Christ (S&W)
Bittifol, Msgr. Catholicism and the Papacy (Sands)
-------, The Credibility of the Gospels
Belloc, H. Companion to Mr. Wells’s “Outline of History” (S&W)
Benson, Msgr. R.H. Christ in the Church (Longmans)
Burrows, The Open Door (B.O.W.)
Butler, Dom Cuthbert. Religions of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit (S&W)
Cambridge Summer School Papers
-------, The Religion of the Scriptures (B.O.W.)
-------, The Catholic Faith in the Holy Eucharist (B.O.W.)
-------, The Incarnation (B.O.W.)
-------, Six Sacraments (B.O.W.)
-------, God (B.O.W.)
-------, Man (B.O.W.)
Chapman, Dom J. Bishop Gore and the Catholic Claims
-------, Studies on the Early Papacy (S&W)
-------, The First Eight General Councils
Charles, Pére. Prayer for All Times (3 vols.) (Sands)
Chesterton, G.K. The Everlasting Man
Clarke, Rev. R. The Existence of God
Conway, Rev. B. Question Box Answers
Cozens, L. Handbook of Heresies (S&W)
Cronin, Msgr. The Christian Priesthood (B.O.W.)
Cuthbert, Fr. Ed. God and the Supernatural (Longmans)
Dalgaims, J.B. The Holy Communion (B.O.W.)
D’Arcy, M.C., S.J. The Mass and the Redemption (B.O.W.)
-------, The Nature of Belief (S&W)
Dawson, C. Progress and Religion (S&W)
-------, The Modern Dilemma (S&W)
Downey, Archbp. The Blessed Trinity (B.O.W.)
Felder, Rev. H. Christ and the Critics (B.O.W.)
Finlay, Rev. P. The Church of Christ (Longmans)
Flynn, Rev. T.F. The Supernatural Virtues (B.O.W.)
Gerard, J., S.J. The Old Riddle and the Newest Answer (Longmans)
-------, Essays on Un-natural History
Gerrard, T., S.J. The Cult of Mary (Sands)
-------, The Church and Eugenics
Gibbons. Faith of Our Fathers (B.O.W.)
Goodier, Archbp. The Public Life of Our Lord (B.O.W.)
Graham, Bp. Where We Got the Bible (Sands)
-------, What Faith Really Means (B.O.W.)
Grandmaison, L. de. Personal Religion (S&W)
-------, Jesus Christ (3 Vols) (S&W)
Guardini, Romano. Sacred Signs (S&W)
Hall, H.E. The Shadow of Peter (B.O.W.)
Hedley, Bp. The Holy Eucharist (Longmans)
-------, The Christian Inheritance (B.O.W.)
Huby. Christus
Hügel, Baron von. Some Notes on the Petrine Claims (S&W)
Hughes, Philip. A History of the Church (S&W)
Hugon. Mystére de la Trinité
Hugueny, Rev. C. Catholicism and Criticism (Longmans)
Jewell, Walter. The Human Soul
Johnson, Vernon. One Lord, One Faith (S&W)
Joyce, G.H., S.J. Principles of Natural Theology (Longmans)
-------, The Catholic Doctrine of Grace (B.O.W.)
-------, The Question of Miracles
-------, Christan Marriage (S&W)
Knox, Msgr. R.A. Some Loose Stones (Longmans)
-------, The Mystery of the Kingdom (S&W)
-------, Essentials of Spiritual Unity
Kurth-Day, G. The Church at the Turning Points of History
Lagrange, M.A., O.P. Christ and Renan (S&W)
-------, Vie de Ste. Paule
Lattey, C., S.J. First Notions of Holy Writ (Longmans)
Lausiac. History of Palladius
Louismet, S., O.S.B. Series on Mysticism (B.O.W.)
Lunn, Arnold. Now I See (S&W)
Maher. Psychology. (Longmans)
Mainage, T., O.P. Principles of Theosophy (S&W)
Maranget, P. The Roman Mass (S&W)
Margouliouth, D.S. Mohammed and the Rise of Islam
Maritain, Jacques. Prayer and Intelligence (S&W)
-------, Three Reformers (S&W)
-------, An Introduction to Philosophy (S&W)
-------, Religion and Culture (S&W)
Marmion, Abbot. Christ the Life of the Soul (Sands)
Martindale, C.C., S.J. Religions of the World
-------, The Cults and Christianity
-------, St. John (The Apocalypse) (B.O.W.)
-------, St. Paul
-------, The Sacramental System (B.O.W.)
-------, The Mind of the Missal (S&W)
Maycock, A. The Inquisition
McNabb, V., O.P. The Catholic Church and Philosophy (B.O.W.)
-------, New Testament Witness to St. Peter (S&W)
-------, New Testament Witness to Our Blessed Lady (S&W)
-------, Infallibility (S&W)
-------, The Path of Prayer (B.O.W.)
-------, ed. Casti Connubii (S&W)
Miller, B. The Fall of Man (B.O.W.)
Moran, T. Introduction to Scripture (S&W)
Newman, John Henry. Difficulties of the Anglicans (2 vols) (Longmans)
-------, Discourses to Mixed Congregations (Longmans)
-------, The Development of Christian Doctrine (Longmans)
-------, Grammar of Assent (Longmans)
-------, Dream of Gerontius (Longmans)
Noyes, Alfred. The Unknown God (S&W)
Petre, M. Aethiopum Servus
Pinard de la Boullaye, H. L’Etude Camparis des Religions
Pope, H., O.P. Student’s Aids to the Bible. 3 vols (B.O.W.)
-------, The Catholic Church and the Bible (B.O.W.)
-------, ed. The Layman’s New Testament (S&W)
Pohle-Preuss. Grace—Actual and Habitual (Herder)
-------, The Divine Trinity (Herder)
-------, Eschatology (Herder)
-------, The Sacraments in General (Herder)
-------, Christology (Herder)
-------, Mariology (Herder)
-------, Soteriology (Herder)
-------, Sacrament of Penance (Herder)
Pontifex, Dom. M. Religious Assent
Prat, Pére. The Theology of St. Paul (2 vols) (B.O.W.)
-------, The Life of St. Paul (B.O.W.)
Reeves, J.B., O.P. The Holy Ghost (B.O.W.)
-------, Sanctifying Grace (B.O.W.)
Rickaby, Fr. S.J., In an Indian Abbey (B.O.W.)
-------, The Lord My Light (B.O.W.)
Rousselot, Pierre, S.J. Life of the Church (S&W)
Rumble, L. Correspondence Course in Catholic Doctrine (S&W)
Schürer, E. The History of the Jewish People (3 Vols)
Scott. General Councils and Anglican Claims (S&W)
-------, The Eastern Churches and the Papacy (S&W)
Sertillanges, A.D. The Church (B.O.W.)
Sheed, F.J. A Map of Life (S&W)
-------, Nullity of Marriage (S&W)
-------, Communism and Man (S&W)
Sheehan, Archbp. Apologetics
Sheen, F. God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy (Longmans)
Stenart, R., S.J. A Map of Prayer (B.O.W.)
Taille, de la, S.J. Mystery of Faith and Human Opinion (S&W)
Tixeront, J. Apologetical Studies (Herder)
Turton, Col. The Truth of Christianity
Vassall-Phillips, O.R. Catholic Christianity (B.O.W.)
-------, The Mother of Christ (B.O.W.)
-------, The Mustard Tree (B.O.W.)
-------, Mary, Mother of God (B.O.W.)
Vermeerch, A., S.J. Tolerance (B.O.W.)
Vonier, Abbot. The Personality of Christ (Longmans)
-------, A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist (B.O.W.)
-------, The Human Soul (B.O.W.)
Walker, L.J., S.J. Why God Became Man (Sands)
Walsh, W.T. Isabella of Spain (S&W)
Ward, Leo. The Catholic Church and the Appeal to Reason (B.O.W.)
Watkin, E.I. Thoughts on Catholic Apologetics
Windle, Sir B. Facts and Theories
Wiseman, Cardinal. Lectures on the Eucharist. (B.O.W.)
Woodlock, F., S.J. The Reformation and the Eucharist (S&W)
-------, Modernism and the Catholic Church (Longmans)