So much to read . . . so little time! And not all books are created equal. How do we identify the really good material that we should focus on with the little reading time that we have?
In his book A Catholic Lifetime Reading List, the Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. suggests 104 different authors that every educated adult should know, from every period of the Church's history. He provides details about the author's life, and recommends particular works by that author that are must-reads. We recommend acquiring the book and taking advantage of Fr. Hardon's explanatory material, but for the sake of getting the actual book list into your hands, we have reproduced this simple list below. Please Note: Fr. Hardon's focus is on the author, and his list presents some works from each author which are "specially recommended."
The Age of Persecution
1. St. Ignatius of Antioch
2. St. Justin Martyr
The First Apology
The Second Apology
3. St. Irenaeus
The Presentation of the Apostolic Preaching
Against the Heretics ('Adversus Haereses')
4. Tertullian
Apologetical Works
Disciplinary, Moral and Ascetical Works
5. St. Cyprian
The Lapsed, the Unity of the Catholic Church
On the Lord's Prayer
6. Lactantius
The Divine Institutes
The Patristic Age
7. Eusebius
Ecclesiastical History
8. St. Athanasius
The Incarnation of the Word
The Life of St. Anthony
9. Prudentius
10. St. John Chrysostom
On the Priesthood
Address on Vainglory and the Right Way for Parents to Bring up their Children
11. St. Augustine
City of God
Of True Religion
Enchiridion: On Faith, Hope and Charity
12. St. Jerome
On Illustrious Men
Medieval Civilization
13. St. Vincent of Lerins
14. Boethius
The Consolation of Philosophy
15. St. Benedict
The Rule of St. Benedict
16. The Venerable Bede
A History of the English Church and People
17. St. Anselm
Prayers and Meditations
Why God Became Man and the Virgin Conception
18. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
The Steps of Humility
On Loving God
Magnificat: homilies in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
19. St. Francis of Assisi
The Writings of St. Francis
The Little Flowers of St. Francis
20. St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Contra Gentiles
Summa Theologiae
The Catechetical Instructions
21. St. Bonaventure
The Journey of the Mind to God
The Triple Way
The Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary
22. Bl. Jacobus de Voragine
The Golden Legend
23. Dante
The Divine Comedy
24. St. Catherine of Siena
The Dialogue
25. Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales
26. Thomas à Kempis
The Imitation of Christ
27. St. Catherine of Genoa
Treatise on Purgatory
28. St. Thomas More
A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation
The Catholic Reformation
29. St. Ignatius Loyola
Spiritual Exercises
Letters and Instructions
30. St. Teresa of Avila
The Way of Perfection
Interior Castle
31. St. John of the Cross
Ascent of Mount Carmel
Dark Night of the Soul
32. Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote
33. St. Robert Bellarmine
The Ascent of the Mind to God
The Art of Dying Well
34. St. Francis de Sales
Introduction to the Devout Life
Treatise on the Love of God
35. Richard Crashaw
36. St. Margaret Mary Alocoque
37. St. Louis de Montfort
True Devotion to Mary
38. Alban Butler
Lives of the Saints
39. Alphonsus de Liguori
The Holy Eucharist
The Glories of Mary
The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ
The Way of Salvation and of Perfection
40. Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
41. Frederick William Faber
Growth in Holiness, or the Progress of the Spiritual Life
The Blessed Sacrament, or the Works and Way of God
Spiritual Conferences
42. St. Peter Julian Eymard
The Real Presence
Holy Communion
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
The Eucharist and Christian Perfection
43. Alessandro Manzoni
The Betrothed
44. Prosper Gueranger
The Liturgical Year: Advent to the Last Sunday of Pentecost
The Modern Age
45. Orestes Brownson
Essays and Reviews chiefly on Theology, Politics and Socialism
46. Matthias Joseph Scheeben
The Mysteries of Christianity
47. William Bernard Ullathorne
The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues
The Little Book of Humility and Patience
48. Bl. John Henry Newman
Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Sermons and Discourses
The Idea of a University
The Dream of Gerontius
49. Coventry Patmore
50. St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Story of a Soul (Autobiography)
51. Eugene Boylan
This Tremendous Lover
The Mystical Body: the foundation of the spiritual life
52. Francis Thompson
53. Robert Hugh Benson
Christ in the Church
The Light Invisible
The Necromancers
Come Rack! Come Rope!
54. Henryk Sienkiewicz
Quo Vadis?
With Fire and Sword
The Deluge
55. Augustin Poulain
The Graces of Interior Prayer
56. James Gibbons
The Faith of our Fathers
The Ambassador of Christ
57. Alice Meynell
58. Adolphe Alfred Tanquerey
The Spiritual Life: a treatise on ascetical and mystical theology
59. Bl. Joseph Columba Marmion
Christ, the Life of the Soul
Christ in His Mysteries
60. Ottokar Prohaszka
Meditations on the Gospels
61. Ludwig von Pastor
The History of the Popes
62. Jean-Baptiste Chautard
The Soul of the Apostolate
63. G.K. Chesterton
St Francis of Assisi
The Catholic Church and Conversion
The Everlasting Man
St Thomas Aquinas: the dumb ox
64. Fernand Carrol
Liturgical Prayer: its history and spirit
The Prayer of the early Christians
Mass of the Western Rites
The Mass: its doctrine, its history
65. Ferdinand Prat
Theology of St Paul
Jesus Christ: his life, his teaching, and his works
66. Marie Joseph Lagrange
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
67. Alban Goodier
The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Prince of Peace
68. St. Maximilian Kolbe
Personal Letters
Spiritual Writings
Theological Writings
69. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
The Science of the Cross
Essays on Woman
70. Henri Gheon
Secrets of the Saints
Three Plays
Christmas in the Market Place
The Art of the Theatre
71. Edward Leen
Progress through mental prayer
In the Likeness of Christ
The Church Before Pilate
The Holy Ghost and His Work in Souls
72. Alexis Carrel
Man the Unknown
The Voyage to Lourdes
73. Sigrid Undset
Kristin Lavransdatter
Saga of Saints
The Longest Years
74. William Thomas Walsh
Isabella of Spain
Characters of the Inquisition
Our Lady of Fatima
75. Owen Francis Dudley
Will men be like Gods? Humanitarianism or human happiness
The Tremaynes and the Masterful Monk
76. Hilaire Belloc
The Path to Rome
The Servile State
Europe and the Faith
Marie Antoinette
77. Paul Claudel
The Satin Slipper
The Tidings Brought to Mary: a drama
The Book of Christopher Columbas: a lyrical drama
Letters from Paul Claudel, my godfather
78. Johannes Jorgensen
Saint Brigid of Sweden
Saint Catherine of Siena
Pilgrim Walks in Franciscan Italy
Jorgensen: an autobiography
79. Pierre Pourrat
Christian Spirituality
80. Ronald Knox
A Spiritual Aenid
The Belief of Catholics
A Commentary on the Gospels
81. Paul de Jaegher
One with Jesus
The Virtue of Trust
82. Francis Trochu
The Curé of Ars: St. Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney
St. Bernardette Soubirous
83. John Peter Arendzen
The Holy Trinity
Reason and Revelation
What Becomes of the Dead?
Purgatory and Heaven
84. Guiseppe Ricciotti
The Life of Jesus Christ
The History of Israel
Paul the Apostle
The Age of Martyrs: Christianity from Diocletian to Constantine
85. Gerald Vann
The Divine Pity
The Seven Swords
86. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Christian Perfection and Contemplation, according to St Thomas Aquinas and St John of the Cross
The Three Ages of the Interior Life
The Mother of Our Saviour and our Interior Life
87. Henri Daniel-Rops
The Book of Mary
The Church of the Apostles and Martyrs
The Church in the Dark Ages
The Catholic Reformation
88. Karl Adam
The Spirit of Catholicism
The Son of God
Christ Our Brother
The Roots of the Reformation
89. Evelyn Waugh
Brideshead Revisited
A Handful of Dust
Edmund Campion
90. Romano Guardini
The Lord
The Way of the Cross of Our Lordand Our Saviour, Jesus Christ
Freedom, Grace and Destiny: three chaptersin the interpretation of existence
The End of the Modern World: a search for orientation
91. Katherine Burton
The Great Mantle: Pope St. Pius X
Sorrow Built a Bridge: Mother Alphonsus
Witness of the Light
The Next Thing: autobiography and reminiscences
92. Christopher Dawson
Religion and World History
Progress and Religion
The Crisis of Western Education
Religion and the Rise of Western Culture
93. Francois Mauriac
Life of Jesus
Woman of the Pharisees
St. Margaret of Cortona
The Eucharist
94. James Alberione
Personality and Configuration with Christ
Glories and Virtues of Mary
Daily Meditations: the great prayers,the great truths, the great virtues
95. Jacques Maritain
An Introduction to Philosophy
Prayer and Intelligence
The Degrees of Knowledge
Art and Scholasticism
96. Arnold Lunn
Now I See: an autobiography
The Revolt Against Reason
Switzerland: its literary, historical,and topographical landmarks
A Saint in the Slave Trade: Peter Claver, 1581–1654
97. Charles Journet
The Church of the Word Incarnate
The Primacy of Peter
The Meaning of Grace
The Wisdom of Faith: an introduction to theology
98. Dietrich von Hildebrand
Transformation in Christ: on the Christian attitude of mind
Marriage: the mystery of faithful love
Celibacy and the crisis of faith
The Sacred Heart: an analysis of human and divine affection
99. Etienne Gilson
History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages
A Gilson Reader: selected writings
Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant
Recent Philosophy: Hegel to the present
100. Ven. Fulton Sheen
Treasures in Clay: an autobiography
Peace of Soul
These are the Sacraments
Three to get Married
101. Igino Giordani
The Social Message of Jesus
The Social Message of the Early Church Fathers
Mary of Nazareth
102. Frank Sheed
Theology and Sanity
Communism and Man
The Church and I
Marriage and the Family
103. Hubert van Zellar
We Die Standing Up
Approach to Christian Scripture
The End: a projection not a prophecy
Praying While You Work: devotions for the use of Martha rather than Mary
104. John C.H. Wu
The Science of Love: a study in the teachings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux