Papal Encyclicals Online: With the permission of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, this site publishes papal encyclicals and conciliar documents in a format that is simple, elegant, and easy to use.
Early Church Fathers : This link takes you to an index of the Anti-Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers, as they are available in 34 volumes from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
1983 Code of Canon Law : This link takes you straight to the table of contents of the current code of Canon Law, which governs the daily life of the Roman Catholic Church, the rights and obligations of clergy and laity alike, her processes and properties, the sacraments, and so on, on the level of the universal Church.
Roman Catechism (of the Council of Trent) : The first universal catechism, composed by a commission of the greatest theologians of the time under the leadership of St. Charles Borromeo, and promulgated by Pope St. Pius V, this catechism is intended to be a tool for priests and catechists, in the handing on of the Catholic Faith with clarity.
Catechism of the Catholic Church: This virtual online book format makes it like reading a real book, with hyperlinks throughout so that you can jump to the section from the table of contents, etc. You may have to turn off any ad blockers, if your browser is only seeing a metallic blue screen.
The Holy Bible : See below our section titled "Sacred Scripture Tools"
Fr. John A. Hardon - Archive : This incredible archive of written, audio, and video material from the Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. is one of the most valuable treasuries on the internet. Retreats, lectures, courses, and conferences, and mostly intended for the education of the laity in the faith, this is a goldmine of teaching, deeply obedient to the mind and heart of the Catholic Church.
Summa Theologiae & Collected Writings - St. Thomas Aquinas, known as the Angelic Doctor, was the first man, after the patristic era, to be declared a doctor of the Church. This link takes you to a readable version of the Summa Theologica, the Summa Contra Gentiles, the Catena Aurea, Commentary of the Sentences, and much more. A second helpful website for studying St. Thomas may be found here: St. Thomas Aquinas's Works in English
The Newman Reader : St. John Henry Cardinal Newman was one of the most outstanding minds of his time. This website gives you access to all of his major works online, including his Apologia Pro Vita Sua, and An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine.
Institute of Catholic Culture : The ICC has been bringing in powerhouse speakers on a variety of interesting topics since 2007, streaming the presentations over the internet, and then filing them away in what have become an extensive archive. Their goal: quality adult faith formation at no cost . . . the faithful should not have to pay to learn about their faith.
Modern Catholic Dictionary : The first task of the student of the Faith, the apologist, or simply the person who wants to understand and share the Catholic Faith with others is to define your terms! Fr. Hardon's Modern Catholic Dictionary , now accessible online, clearly and carefully defines the Catholic meaning of the words we use.